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【英语】高中英语108个高分句型 3









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发表于 2021-6-26 19:39:08 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自:
$ @/ w$ {# G8 M3 a( O* c, \& \入门
- s( R# D- C* w2 M6 R3 A7 W: m1.But if.., then...但如果……,那么……
/ D% j2 W# |, G* N, k! g
8 `) O- _: ^8 u' P2 V6 ]; [2.Rather than/Instead of...不是……,而是……/ e( M# N, i3 H0 M9 @$ w' K) N

! h$ K6 j# P5 M/ ?3.On the contrary,/By contrast,...相反,……! o1 T/ u8 d) B) C: X/ |
! k# U9 ~8 g9 _5 Z& t+ Y
4. Not only...but also...不仅……,而且……$ P4 n2 u, ~) F7 P0 O" N; p
  , X. J6 N3 ^* M: p9 W
进阶+ x: o! |) s" t! p3 w' }5 l7 h
1.Although this view is widely held, there is little evidence that...
7 O1 I$ E2 A9 i尽管这一观点被广泛接受,但很少有证据表明
- [( R) ]5 p+ e8 F) t+ z4 W8 I+ P! U0 o# H0 ]2 ~2 F" q
2.In spite of/ Despite all the difficulty/problem/pressure,...2 Z. z  i2 x( ?5 ~' t9 N
尽管有困难(问题、压力),………/ h2 \: m/ r, M" L  c  v6 S
* s" ^$ J; S, r
3.And the opposite is also the case.9 S1 `1 D' B* Y' C. B2 ^
! s9 O* N3 ]3 J  e7 M$ `/ Y8 V. l
& O% o# P7 N* D& X  s3 s4.What l really want to know is...
9 I5 R0 r- z0 x! X$ X我的确想知道的是……- F5 s) C( A8 w, i) O( V

5 n; }" X: X; ^* W高级
6 J) r/ u9 A5 _( f8 t- n4 l1.For years, ..have been viewed as.….But people are taking a fresh look now.
* ]# M" P/ t$ j3 T6 i" i% s多年来,……—直被认为是……但是现在人们对其持有一个新的看法。
0 U6 o" @/ I' q2 R/ T, e6 T3 d8 \! w# }, G: q4 ^' e; e$ R# w
2. When asked about..., the overwhelming majority of people say/think/believe/answer that...But...
5 }. A( R* V  a/ d' v" ^# O3 p2 J当被问及……时,多数人认为(回答)……但是
# b$ \/ d0 c9 m; w8 B7 u- J2 g7 b) r, R! Y" O) f1 A$ ]- }
3.But that is only part of the explanation.
0 C. a& j5 \9 L- J; s* S% wPerhaps the most significant/remarkable thing about..is...4 M2 F: a2 N2 n: Z8 t& |
但这只是部分原因。或许,有关……最引人注意的是……: t8 q# L: J* V1 D3 q( |" p

% b# @( w; |. S6 h4 a( ]* w& S4.Some people argue/claim that...But more often than not, the opposite/reverse is usually the case.
4 r3 |8 ?4 O  I4 h有些人认为……,而在许多情况下,事实正好相反。
- ], y' u7 `  |- ^( Q
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