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发表于 2021-6-26 19:39:40 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自:
举例句4 q* W$ |. Z3 `

& Z8 P4 a- A3 W$ w入门4 Y0 B; ?: ?& Z6 l/ B: f
1.Take...for example.
5 s9 [  ]& P4 P+ V% N6 I7 o以……为例。
/ ?; v/ T- P: N+ B7 b- l6 S6 x% I9 N/ K
2.A good case in point is...
0 |! C6 Z) f  l! c* X( j- x3 c3 U一个很好的相关例子是……
5 l# c- [( @' t" J% T$ ^* K/ ?% A- r! y2 x
3.There are many instances supporting my opinion.
- h6 ?# `$ O7 i- t: Y有许多例子可以证明我的观点。" f& O$ s% b, n( l; ?. \* y( z3 K

7 j3 x1 U8 v1 l6 `* I0 n4,Perhaps the most important example of...i...
: g! Q' d- A) N& F有关……的最重要的例子可能是……
0 i$ Q/ L/ R$ W' W( z
! f- G, G  @  K进阶, C" T5 L3 K8 j
1.l can think of no better illustration of this idea than the example of...: O4 f1 K- N: T, i1 v7 G+ d/ g/ o1 @
( U' d# U5 S1 r5 |8 s( y8 M% A! d/ a; |  m- f4 P, x9 g
2.As one writer/scientist/psychologist wrote/commented/noted...7 \* g+ ~! o/ F5 K" n, J3 T7 Q
& o+ T, {- \# }# v# l2 c0 W0 W) {
3.The latest surveys conducted by...show/reveal/demonstrate/indicate that...$ X- c8 g. X1 G$ {; u7 q! q
( L; k  Q( W  r. Z% d7 B. @+ M2 Y" a* q6 O* Z
4.I have fully realized that ...is essential to our future.3 {; O5 h: U8 ]  M: ^7 P
0 O$ w% D. \/ }2 {* D / U% u+ B: \+ f
/ u4 h: }$ h. n- j1.The majority of people believe that ...will provide them with more opportunities to...,which may put them in a favorable position in the future.
8 ?7 e# w9 n9 [% O% w大部分人相信……会使他们有更多机会发展……,而这对他们未来是非常有好处的。
5 {3 C4 w) |9 B/ W$ C5 V6 N4 J# W* L- B- m& d. c) \
2. We are blessed with new opportunities and faced with new challenges that...9 l; U5 R6 d& e0 A/ R
我们被赋予新的机会和面临着新的挑战……, r/ P4 Q5 }5 M2 o  h

* V% d. d1 ]  P9 Q: l$ t( J4 n8 e3. What will happen to...? Nobody really knows.But one thing is certain....
1 N4 }8 ^" y2 P% S( T4 Q……会发生什么事情?没人确切知道。但有一件事可以肯定:……7 ^' I/ h0 {3 g
  `5 f- @/ r3 j/ p& j; I
4.Nothing could be more obvious/apparent than the evidence that...) |" G% c0 g& ~/ V( m- \2 }. X
再没有比这个更明显的例子了。4 q" \  }% |) C/ J
0 \$ K$ ]! @) z$ R$ _5 v. z1 S. y
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