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【英语】高中英语108个高分句型 6









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2021-6-26 19:39:58 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自:
比较句4 m1 N- F) T5 B! ~
入门# g# X( {1 o% e( a" V0 m- c9 `* ?
1. ...is no more...than...is…
% t  G& _# F# x( P5 E…绝不比……更……
" C6 O' C' j" C) s' w. P' n) v% I, \3 p
2.On the one hand...on the other hand; E6 |8 E- R8 H: P" p( X
...一方面,……另一方面,……, I9 P; ~: W1 A! W1 \# |! ]
. R5 }$ c* `* T7 E: @9 {" H, ~" S: y
3.Similarly/Likewise/In the same way, + f, {9 ^$ J7 O" E* ^+ q- S
...同样,……. M+ X, `5 p3 w3 A7 U2 m, ~4 B7 p

" X* s& Y; J! u2 k& Y4. ...bears startling/striking resemblance to...  W5 l2 i9 _: i( ?5 {
' l7 N, {7 ]+ {! i# V/ S
) @! _6 Z) w- ]( T5 `& @; m: H# Y7 l  p进阶
9 E; k$ E- n8 f; X; @2 ?. D6 v( Y1.Although...enjoys a distinct advantage,
2 `& z( _+ b$ ^6 j: D" M# d..尽管……有明显优势,但是……9 K$ w& d4 Q# ^- P# p( W& g
5 F" {$ ]6 L, [  P4 r/ {
2.Some hold that.., while others argue that...
2 n2 j, y4 }0 f$ r! f一部分人认为……,另一部分人则认为..…..../ I* E3 u" D  E# _

2 t1 @& r8 i. C  r: S# ^3.Nothing/Few things can equal/match/parallel
0 [5 b% n2 o% {( |...没有什么能与……相比。0 p1 F1 T# ^, B8 e' S0 J: z8 e3 L
2 S" k( t6 ]) P3 e  [2 t* ?
4. l think we should balance well between...and...
7 A# V2 T( L: b5 ]$ S* r0 |* B我认为我们应该平衡好……和……两方面。
% x9 x! L3 a! t  f/ |7 i+ R$ ]
7 J- J7 N" G# P4 E. I' |; w4 [高级$ u( {+ E2 l" ~6 n
1. Serious as the problem may be, it pales/disappears into insignificance by comparison to...
3 i  L. X* C# R2 y0 S; q问题可能很严重,但与……相比就微不足道了。
+ j5 ~; `# e( @- V' ~4 H8 c
$ H; l& X8 i8 M1 [2. The advantages gained in...are much greater than the advantages we gain from...: p  ~3 c0 c: ~, x5 _' ]: {, ^
……的优点远远超过我们从……中获得的。% Q. W" `* _& C1 J* _# d& z$ N  D

5 V: l8 o$ d4 r# c: Y- k3.Indeed, ...carries more weight than...when...is concerned.
( y7 S: j8 i. \2 b+ \1 C8 ~7 a2 n的确,就……而言,……的重要性要超过……
2 q4 S# Y! q. I8 u  [
7 R$ W0 ^2 T) ~) `  K4 W4.Depending on personal experience and concern, we find that some people hold the idea of..., while others prefer...+ |; }( R) X& N9 s, v
基于个人经历、关注的不同,我们发现有人持……的观点,而另外一些人则更喜欢……: K/ S, l, ^4 D% b: C
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